Seniors Flock to Facebook

Remember the day when you first received a Facebook friend request from either your parents or your mother-in-law? Well, your grandparents will be next! According to the Pew Research Center’s last Social Media Update, 56% of online adults in the U.S. aged 65 and older are now using Facebook!!!

That’s almost a third of all seniors who value Facebook for the same reason that hundreds of millions of younger users do: it helps them stay connected with friends and family.

Social Media Adoption

The fact that Facebook is now widely used by people from all generations may explain why many teenagers have turned their backs on the site in favour of Instagram, where they can still follow their passion for selfies without parental supervision. According to the report, based on a survey among 2,003 adults, Instagram shows the steepest drop-off in usage with increasing age. While it’s the second most popular service among young adults (18 to 29-year-olds), it’s the least popular among those aged 50 and older.

If this is your target audience, you should start considering Facebook marketing! Talk to our Facebook marketing experts today and we’ll tell you all the tips and tricks to get your Facebook marketing cranking!

Ouch! Is your website costing you sales? Find out with a free audit.**

** Not another disguised sales pitch. No strings attached. Applicable tips.

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