Using Virtual reality in your digital marketing

Adverting with 360 Video or VR video

Be it 360 Video or VR video, Immersive Media productions allow people to feel like they have already experienced a space, place or time without having been there. A traditional video is a little different in that it shows a space, place or time, without allowing you to feel connected in the same way.

Often we find that when people put on a custom headset and experience one of our 360 or VR video productions it tends to be their first virtual reality experience. This is valuable to your brand because they will associate your brand with this exciting, novel experience, which is likely to stay with them for a long time. This means prolonged brand exposure down the line as the prospective customer might share this experience with family or friends.

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** Not another disguised sales pitch. No strings attached. Applicable tips.

Strong coffee and nearby seating is highly recommended, but not mandatory.