Realtors are a rare species of great networkers… offline!
They are social, they can talk, and they can sell.
Why are most of them struggling on social media where the exact same skills are essential for success?
In my experience, real estate agents are as scared as any other professional when it comes to technology. And lets face it, if you don’t know what you are doing, social media marketing is a monster of a task.
This is why we take you by the hand over the next couple of weeks and show you the nitty gritty part of social media in small bites.
Channel by channel, we will walk you through and show you the ins and outs to make your social media marketing a success.
Download This E-book Today
Use social media for lead generation
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Social Media for Realtors Lesson 1
We will start with an overview of which social media channels are out there and why you should use them. Sounds complex but is actually very simple once explained. Today we will talk about LinkedIn.
LinkedIn = The Boardroom
Etiquette: Here you will present yourself amongst other professionals from your most serious site.
Dress Code: Conservative! Upload a professional head shot. If you need a reference point check out Brad Kay, the Headshot Guy who specialises in LinkedIn photography.
Language: Professional!
Profile: Make sure your profile is comprehensive and shows your expertise in your field.
Success Factor: Get recommendations from your clients! Referrals, reviews and recommendations are the new currency in social media land. When people search for a dentist, an accountant, a mechanic or a real estate agent, they always ask their friends first. Your clients trust you already, so build on it and reach out to their network by receiving recommendations which are not only shown on your profile but also on their newsfeed. Make it a habit to always ask for a recommendation after a successful job as they basically work like testimonials on your profile and give you instant credibility.
Bonus Tip: When asking your clients for recommendations you will encounter the odd one who doesn’t feel savvy enough to write something up for you. Offer to write a testimonial for them which they just have to upload to their profile. Develop a short tutorial on how to upload the recommendation on LinkedIn to make it as easy as possible for them.