A software like Infusionsoft is helpful when it comes to measuring the effectiveness of your marketing effort. Even when you’re new at it, there are several points you keep track of to see your baseline results. Eventually as you gain more experience, you can spot those areas that need improvement as your campaign moves forward.
When you are new in Infusionsoft, the best way to start is by tracking the areas discussed below. You may be using several opt-ins or forms on different pages and all these need to be tracked, such as counting how many opt-in from Facebook compared to Twitter. Or, what about watching a video versus light box? If you know how you capture your audience’s attention, you will be much better informed for all your future offers. Then, measure which of your offers get the most number of conversions, but don’t look at just the numbers you should consider the percentages as well. An offer that converts 50% of viewers is more effective than an offer with double the number of opt-ins but has 5% conversion only. Focus your effort on the offer that has a better conversion rate optimization and you have a higher chance of recovering your investment.
- Advertising ROI – If you don’t track your numbers in advertising, you are committing a serious business blunder. It may not stop you from hitting your target but you won’t have the key data on what it was that made you reach it. Conversely, you may find yourself underperforming and you won’t know what you did wrong. If you know which ads are converting to leads, you will also know which graphics, offers, calls to actions or designs are effective for your business. When it comes to pay per click advertising, tracking your numbers will let you know if your ad is getting the attention of your target market and that they’re taking the action that you want.
When you already have your leads, you can proceed to nurturing and selling. You can also use Infusionsoft’s tracking abilities to know your cost per lead, cost per project and even cost per customer. Do it well and you can find where the Lifetime Customer Value (LCV) of a certain lead source is higher than the cost of acquiring that customer (Cost per Customer). Then you will know where, and who to spend your advertising budget on.
- Email Click Rates – What will you do if you have a long list of email contacts yet you don’t know how many of them are actually reading your email? With Infusionsoft, you can track the open rate of your campaigns and improve it by making adjustments on the subject line, content and updates. Your email’s call to action feature will likewise tell you who are clicking, how many clicks on your video, sales page, or ask for information. Not only will you know how much your audience engages with you, you will also have an idea which of your offers gets their attention.
- Conversions – The end goal of all your effort is, of course, sales. To make sales, you need to know what you should do and what you should stop doing. Keep on testing to find out what delivers sales; is it discount codes, freebies or is it good old fashioned picking up the phone? What works is determined by your business, offers and clients. Make sure to use Infusionsoft’s lead tracking system to find out who your best leads are where in the opportunities section your prospects are. Work towards increasing your percentages at each point in the funnel and increase the number of your qualified leads. Infusionsoft can track these metrices. It requires some setting up, so feel free to contact us for help.